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Also known as PRK, this type of laser eye surgery can help if you are nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism. It works best if your eye problem is mild or moderate.

All laser vision correction surgeries work by reshaping your cornea, the clear front part of your eye. Think of it like a windshield -- light travels through it and focuses on the retina in the back of your eye.

During PRK, an eye surgeon uses a cool pulsing beam of ultraviolet light on the surface of your cornea. LASIK, another type of laser surgery, works underneath your cornea.

Patient Undergoing LASIK Surgery | Roswell, NM | Engstrom Cataract and Laser Center


You and your ophthalmologist will discuss your vision needs based on your lifestyle. For example, if you play sports, you may be seeking clear distance vision from surgery.


PRK is done in office surgery suite. The procedure usually takes about 15 minutes. Here is what to expect:

  • Your eye will be numbed with eye drops.
  • Your eye surgeon will place an eyelid holder on your eye to keep you from blinking.
  • Then your ophthalmologist will remove the outer layer of cells on your cornea, called the epithelium. 
  • You will be asked to stare at a target light so that your eyes will not move. The ophthalmologist then reshapes your cornea using a laser. The laser is a special instrument that has been programmed with measurements for your eye. 


Right after surgery, your ophthalmologist will place a “bandage” contact lens over your eye to help it heal.

  You will need to have someone drive you home after surgery. You should plan to go home and take a nap or just relax after the surgery.

  Your surgeon may suggest that you take a few days off from work. Also, you should avoid strenuous activity for up to a week after surgery, as this could slow the healing process.

  For two to three days after PRK, you may have some eye pain. Over-the-counter medicine usually controls the pain. Occasionally, some people may need eye drop pain relievers or other prescription medicine to relieve pain. Be sure to call your ophthalmologist if your pain is not helped by over-the-counter medicines.

  You will need to use eye drop medicine for up to a month or as prescribed by your ophthalmologist. Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions for using this medicine to help healing.

  After PRK, you will need to wear sunglasses outside for as long as your doctor tells you. This is because sun exposure can lead to corneal scarring after surgery, causing vision problems.

At first, your vision will be blurry after PRK. Over 3–5 days, as you heal, your vision will gradually improve. Keep in mind it may take a month or longer to achieve your best vision.

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